Grow, Automate & Scale your business to 6-7+ figures using Instagram™
AYFP Instagram™ Mastery
You're here because you want to master the art of Instagram™, the most power social media platform, so you can expand your reach globally, convert more and sell more.
Good news is, this is the MOST INFORMATIVE course (and mentor) you'll likely ever need on the subject matter! We’ve over 60+ step-by-step tutorials teaching you everything you need to know:
The Power Within You - Using Your Voice as an Influence
Build your IG Account from Scratch & Automate it!
All the Best IG Tools to Use & How to Sync Them For Maximum Impact
Go MADLY Viral and Expand Your Social Reach!
Learn Our PROVEN Growth Strategies!
All the Ways Make Money with Instagram (Earn From 5-7+ Figures online!)
Partner with the Best Networks
Case Studies Showing Our Proven Formula
BONUS How to Utilize Your Instagram Fame to Propel Your Career!
And Much, MUCH more…
We’ve all got "hidden power", within all of us, but most don't realize it. It's how we connect the dots of information that unlocks access to the true power of social media. A power most people misuse or underuse and don't even realize it...
As someone that's been using social media daily since dial up internet and AOL Messenger/ICQ, rest assured I know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.
Garnering success with social media is about psychology and understanding what the platform favors (audience retention), what the user wants (enjoyable or valuable content) and making it easy for them (1-3 click conversion ratios).
To be clear up front, this is not a course to exploit Instagram™ in unethical ways, but to use all the tools provided by the platform in a way that allows for the biggest impact and best results, therefore we will not provide black-hat training.
We’ll show you how to grow faster and use the tools to build a highly-successful conversion system with the gold-mine of resources the platform houses for your convenience.
Those that don’t put in the time to dive deep to understand the platform and how it truly functions & benefits them are left at a disadvantage.
So I’m honored to show you how to get the most results and scale pretty much any business regardless of size and increase your community and sales.
Meaning, we’re not selling you false hope you’ll come in within a few days and make millions of dollars or generate millions of views. Yes it’s possible, but under special circumstance only.
If this cuts out 99% of the potential clients or students because I won’t lie to you, so be it.
Rather have 1 person that gets results by putting in the work than 99 that get angry or upset thinking they will become millionaires tomorrow because I provided a formula for them to follow.
Which is why there’s about 5% of the users getting the most results on Instagram™ and 95% don’t, because they don’t know what to do and even if they did, they give up or let their own limiting belief system keep them from achieving their full potential.
That’s a mindset thing I can’t help you with unless you want to change.
Others will try to sell you on some false dream, I’m here to be a realist and literally just provide what you need in order to speed up your results and scale up your business based on tried-and-true tested methods that can literally change the game for you.
You MUST put in the work to get results. I’m merely here to show you what took me years of going down the rabbit hole, trial-and-error, A/B testing and learning from others with a whole lot of time and money spent to figure this stuff out until I found the ways to generate results.
And it’s not about the social media platforms, each one functions differently with different algorithms, different ways people use them and what works and what doesn’t.
If they were all the same we’d be getting the same results on each social media platform using the exact same formula.
The truth is, it’s all psychology. Understand the human needs, desires and wants then use the tools each social media platform provides to aid in your quest to get the reactions you desire from your target audience.
Most people look at it wrong, thinking there is some sort of favor to those that are already celebrities, the algorithm is broken, or is only pay-to-play.
Where that is partially true, it’s absolutely not a requirement to scale your brand or business to the next level.
Account Optimization
Providing Value
High-Quality Content
Quickly Getting Point Across
1-3 Click Conversions (Make it Simple)
Finding What the Algorithm Currently Favors
If you have all this down, the rest comes a whole lot easier and is simply “cherry on top”.
As in, You don’t have to swim against the current any longer which makes EVERYTHING a whole lot easier to scale.
So what will I learn in the InstaMastery Course?
(Video Tutorials + Documents + Account Analysis)
Module 1: Building an Addictive Brand / Account Setup
Optimizing Your IG Account for Conversions
Referencing a Similar Page
Setting Up Your Instagram Page
Choosing the Best Username
Choosing a Great Logo or Photo
Creating an Engaging Bio
Best Bio Link Strategy
Why Landing Pages are Imperative
Understanding Account Settings
IG Blocks & Security Checks
Account Clean-Up
Module 2: Content Creation Mastery
Content Creation Strategy
Creating & Gathering Content
Creating Content for Posting
DMCA Copyright Rules
Offer Variety to Keep Engagement High
Power of IG Stories
Psychology of Connecting with User
Saving Favorite Posts
Stories & IGTV Highlights
The Power of Captions
The Power of User Generated Content (UGC)
The Power of Video Content
Module 3: Instagram Organic Traffic Mastery
Creating Consistent High Quality Posts
Engagement Groups & Pods (Pt 1 & 2)
Mastering Instagram Polls
Sending Messages Strategy
The Power of Instagram Stories
Turn Notifications On CTA
Understanding Instagram Algorithms (pt 1 & 2) Social Blade
Tagging & Mentioning Best Practices
Power of Instagram Stories
Tagging & Mentioning Best Practices Overview
External Organic Traffic
Module 4: Instagram Automation Mastery
Automating Your IG Account Overview
Automating Your IG Account
Commenting on Automation
Focused Consistency for Long Term Results
Follow/Unfollow Strategy
Scheduling Posts on Automation
Module 5: IG Partnership Mastery
Examples of Effective Shoutouts
Finding Best Accounts for S4S
Finding the Perfect Partnerships
How to Work with Influencers
Like for Like Strategy
Networking with DM’s
Mastering Influencer Marketing
Module 6: Forms & Documents
Call to Action Comments Cheatsheet
Best Times to Post Cheatsheet
Influencer Partnership Message Templates
Module 7: Hacks to Grow Your Instagram Account
Boosting Engagement Hack (pt 1)
Buying & Selling IG Accounts
Call to Action Posting Overview
Double Tap Strategy
Going Viral on Instagram
Repurposing Content
Setting Up & Researching for Clients
Tag a Friend Strategy
Module 8: Monetizing with Instagram
Building a Sales Funnel on IG pt 1
Building a Sales Funnel on IG pt 2
Finding Clients
Finding Clients for Clients
Creating a Digital Product
Clickfunnels Landing Pages (and how to set one up)
Generating Email Leads
BONUS: Case Studies
Coming Soon…